Stop Asian Hate
In BC, anti-Asian hate crimes were up 717% in 2020, the largest increase in North America. This is a shocking statistic and reminds us that action is still needed every day to condemn racism, misogyny, violence and hate.
At Salt Spring Coffee, we are proud of the diversity within our team, and we are better and stronger because of it. This is a difficult time as many of us are concerned not only for ourselves, but for our friends, and elderly family members.
Last week, we shared and listened to each other’s experiences with anti-Asian racism and discussed what we can do as a company and as individuals. We want to use our platform to condemn hate and spread awareness on how to support Asian and Pacific Islander communities.
If you’re in Vancouver, show your (socially distanced) support this Sunday at 2pm at the Vancouver Art Gallery for the Stop Asian Hate rally @acea_van. Hope to see you there.
Visit the Asian Canadian Equity Alliance website for rally details.
Rallies are also being held in other major cities around the world. Follow @stopasianhate on Instagram for more details.
- Safety tips for those experiencing or witnessing hate. Visit StopAAPIHate for details.
- Consider 6 easy ways to be an ally to Canada’s Asian community. Visit DailyHive Vancouver for details.