Staff Pet Contest - Coffee Husk Pet Bed Prize
March 18, 2021
What better way to add a little fun to our work-life than to have a staff pet contest!
Pictures of our staff's furry best friends graced the walls of Salt Spring Coffee's Head Office & Roastery where people voted on their favourite pet picture.
The winner will receive the awesome prize of a Coffee Husk Pet Bed.
The Coffee Husk Pet Bed uses materials that would have been destined to end up at the land-fill, like fabric offcuts and roll ends, which makes for a truly zero waste product.
Salt Spring Coffee donated coffee chaff (the husk of the coffee bean that is shed during roasting) to Perk Eco so that it can be used as a warm, comfy filling for the pet beds.
We're excited that a zero waste company like Perk Eco can upcycle our coffee chaff into something useful and help us divert waste from the land-fill.
Good luck to our furry friends and thank you Perk Eco for your sustainable ideas!